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Apply to perform at Quinty 2025

Applications will open at the start of May 2025.

Is this your first time applying to perform? If so, there are things you are going need to tell us, and things you should know:

We will ask for:

  • Contact information for you such as a contact email, phone number etc.
  • A bio - this should be around a hundred words or so - we will use it and quote it, so do double check it!
  • We will ask how many performers are in your act, and if any of them are in other acts applying to perform.
  • We are keen to support young and emerging artists so we will ask if anyone in your act is between 16 and 25 in age.
  • We will need you to indicate which performance times over the weekend will work for you.
  • We would like (but don't require) links to your social media (these will be added to the webpage). Links to video or sound clips of your performances are a big help to the Committee to get to know you.
  • We will ask you to provide us with a photograph.  You should note that by giving it to us, you will be giving permission for Uranquinty Folk Festival to use that image for promotional purposes (the copyright ownership remains with you).
You will need:
  • Public Liability Insurance. If successful in your application to perform, you will need to supply us with a copy of your certificate. If you don't have Insurance yet, the FAA (Folk Alliance of Australia) is worth checking out. 
Remember - we are a small, volunteer-run, non-profit festival running on a shoe-string. We can't pay huge fees.

If this will be your first time coming to Quinty, we have a page of general information for newbies that you might find useful.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an instrument lockup?
  • There is a room off the back of the hall where you can put instruments, but it is not a formal lockup.
Is there a green room?
  • Not as such; think of the whole site as your green room! You will usually be able to find a spot to sit and relax and be welcomed whereever you go - the Tennis club is often available.
What can you tell us about the venues?
  • The Hall is the main and largest venue. There is a stage at one end, but many performers prefer to set up in front of the stage. Amplification is provided for evening performances (set up on the stage), but all the performances in the hall during the day are acoustic only.
  • The Tennis Club room provides an intimate space for workshops and small blackboard concerts.  No amplification is provided or needed. 
  • The Uranquinty Hotel is used for the Friday night opening gig, and has amplification for that event. The space can be a bit noisy so keep that in mind when thinking about what you might want to perform. 
Are performances filmed or recorded?
  • We don't film or record performances, but you are welcome to record for yourself.  The audience may take photos and film you; if you don't want them to, just say so at the time of your performance.
Is accommodation provided?
  • Not as such; the festival is all camping.  Wagga Wagga is not far away if you want to try and find a B&B or hotel but unfortunately our budget can't stretch to covering the costs. 

Is food provided?

  • Artists are provided with dinner each day.
Can we bring/sell our merch?
  • You are more than welcome to bring your own merchandise and we will rummage up a table and chair for you. 

We are keen to make sure we provide information to answer all the questions you might have; please do email the webmaster with any questions we have missed.

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